The Chertoff Group

Michael Chertoff Collaborates with EqualAI

The increased integration of AI technology into our daily lives and operations raises pressing legal questions for lawyers, executives, policy makers and judges around how AI fits into our current legal frameworks. To help answer the call in preparing key stakeholders to address this critical concern, EqualAI collaborated with Chertoff Group Co-Founder and Executive Chairman Michael Chertoff to publish:  Is Your Use Of AI Violating The Law? An Overview Of The Current Legal Landscape. This article provides a critical look at the potential legal risks associated with developing, licensing, or using AI systems.

While AI regulations and legal determinations are rapidly evolving, this article offers a foundational guide to help mitigate liability and prevent harm to companies, individuals, and communities. It explores how existing laws—spanning consumer protection, criminal justice, civil rights, torts, privacy, intellectual property, contracts and others—apply to AI. For example, long-standing regulations like COPPA and Title VII are already being used to address harms stemming from AI use, from child protection violations to discrimination against protected classes. The article warns that companies could face significant legal repercussions if their AI tools enable deceptive or discriminatory practices, whether it is intentional or not.

With AI-related cases on the rise, staying ahead of legal liability is of critical importance, and this must include widening our aperture to include a global perspective. As such, this article also dives into key global AI frameworks and notable emerging federal, state, and local regulations. From bans on facial recognition technology to mandates for AI transparency and maintaining human oversight in critical areas like nuclear command, lawmakers are actively shaping AI’s future.

The central thesis is that everyone has a role in ensuring AI benefits a broader cross-section of society, but the responsibility is especially critical for those in positions of influence over the guardrails, both internal and external. Lawyers, judges, executives, and policymakers must ensure that AI regulations and their enforcement protect the public.

As AI becomes more entrenched and influential, this article serves as a primer on navigating the legal landscape and identifying where new guardrails are needed.

Read: Is Your Use Of AI Violating The Law? An Overview Of The Current Legal Landscape here.

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